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Swiss Roundnet Trainer Development day

Someone once said about our sport, that it's easy to learn it, but hard to master. When it comes to mastering it, a lot of it comes down to good training and to the perfect feedback at the right time. In other words: to develop the level of our game all over Switzerland we need the best coaches possible in each club. They then will act as multipliers in the different parts of our community (and as far as our plan goes, we'll probably dominate the world champs next year). But first things first:

Swiss Roundnet provides two high quality training sessions and a theory lessons, which could be used as a possible training standard for the clubs. There are up to 30 spots for trainers to join (three per Club, if possible at least one 🙋‍♀️ #girlpower). Participants will be able to ask questions and receive individual feedback by some of the best (and kindest) players in Europe (Clemens von Hänisch & Lukas Schmandra).

We're not promising that all of the 30 participants will get to a coaching-level of "Mister Miagi", we're promising that their coaching level will be much higher than that, after attending trainer development day! (If you really think about it, Mister Miagi just let the kid clean and paint his house and cars...).

Get more Infos and register your trainers until 25th of June here:

Btw.: 09:30 - ca. 18:00 Uhr. (we forgot to mention a time in the flyer 😅)

The Master's Thesis by Carlo Engel

Title: Analysis of the Trend Sport Roundnet in Switzerland and Development of Action Strategies for the Swiss Roundnet Association. Carlo...


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