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2021 National Tournaments Calendar is out

❗️Latest Calendar Update❗️for the National Tournaments. To participate at these the following condition must be fulfilled: Both players in a team must have had a permanent resicence in Switzerland since 2020 and still have it at the time of the Swiss Championship (August 2021). (See full guidelines at the bottom).

*Please remember, that these dates are set for now, but might change due to Covid-19* Thanks to all the hosting Clubs for your effort and making this possible in spite of the current situation.

We hope you are just as excited as we are to finally play and compete again😍🏆

lets‘s see those new skills - your Swiss Roundnet Crew 🤍❤️

The Master's Thesis by Carlo Engel

Title: Analysis of the Trend Sport Roundnet in Switzerland and Development of Action Strategies for the Swiss Roundnet Association. Carlo...


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